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When I was in law school I always said when I finished I wanted to get two things: Netflix and a dog! #goals Netflix waited until after the Bar, but on a cold November day during a break from school, my Dad walked into my bedroom with a surprise! I saw a ball of fur peeking out from his jacket, and there was Bella 📷 He put her on my tray and she started licking my face and jumping on my chest. She was excited to be home! I was a little overwhelmed, and Mom will never let me forget I actually said, “Do you think we should take her back?” That would have been the worst decision ever, because Bella has brought so much life and joy to our family over the past 14 years. Sometimes I worried she thought her name was “NoBella,” but most of the time she was the #perfect companion. In fact, when people asked what kind of dog she was, we simply replied, “Perfect!” 📷

Bella passed peacefully today at 3:40 this afternoon with Dr. Gary Gosney and my caregiver and friend, Natasha. Mom and I are #heartbroken, but we think Dad was ready to be reunited with his Bella. When he came home with her from Bartlett, Texas, all those years ago, he said, “There were three females and Bella was the smallest and the cutest.” Dad knew how to pick ‘em! She was definitely the #sweetest too! Dogs become part of our families, and we will cherish the time we shared with her. #OhBella, we will love you always! Thank you for caring for and loving our Bella too 📷️ #QueenB 📷

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Nov 27, 2019

So sweet. You two were perfect together.

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